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02 – Understanding PostgreSQL Syntax: A Comprehensive Guide

PostgreSQL, often called Postgres, is a powerful open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) known for its robustness and flexibility. To harness the full potential of PostgreSQL, it&#82…

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03 – Understanding PostgreSQL Data Types

In PostgreSQL, data types are crucial in defining the data that can be stored in a table’s columns. Choosing the appropriate data types ensures data integrity, efficient storage, and optimized q…

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4 Uses of AutoML You Need to Know

Artificial intelligence and machine learning have allowed companies to learn from data and make predictions. Today, companies are experimenting with AI and machine learning algorithms to create self-l…

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An Overview of Data Pipelines

A data pipeline is a set of processes that extract data from various sources, transform and process it, and load it into a target data store or application. Data pipelines can be used for multiple pur…

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Are You Using Data Analytics To Drive Business Growth? Start Today!

Data and analytics have become vital components in developing business strategies. They can help you understand your customers and their needs, stay ahead of the competition and predict future trends.…

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Automate Data Science to Make Your Life Easier; 3 Easy Ways

Data science is the practice of extracting insights from data to solve problems. It requires a combination of mathematical modelling, statistics, data visualisation, and software engineering as it hel…

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Be Data Literate: The Data Literacy Skills Everyone Needs to Succeed

Today’s data-driven world opens up myriad opportunities for businesses and individuals. There is perhaps no other time in history when data has been so readily available and accessible as it is …

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Book Review: Hands-on machine learning with Scikit-learn, Keras & TensorFlow

Hands-on machine learning with Scikit-learn, Keras & TensorFlow is a book that will help you get started with machine learning and deep learning. It will give you a solid foundation in the ba…

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Data Literacy is Key to Data Science

Data literacy is an essential concept in the world we live in today. It’s all around us, nearly impossible to avoid. Data literacy, or the ability to understand and analyse data, has never been …

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Data Science Is Helping Towards Sustainability. Here’s how!

The world is changing. We are becoming more environmentally conscious, and companies are becoming more sustainable. The way we live has changed with the constant updates in technology, allowing us to …

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Data Science Is Reshaping Healthcare. Check this out!

Healthcare is one of the most demanding fields in terms of data management. Not only do physicians need to diagnose and treat patients, but they also need to make sense of the data presented to them. …

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Get Started with Data Science – Minimum Viable Tool (MVT)

Data science is an exciting field that turns our world into numbers and actionable insights. It is a fast-growing field that has shown no signs of slowing down. With recent advancements in techno…

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How To Build A Data and Analytics Team: 5 Top Insights From The Experts

In today’s data-driven world, businesses rely more and more on data and analytics to drive strategy, measure performance and optimise operations. As a result, the demand for professionals with d…

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Make a Positive Impact on Your Community; Data Science and AI

Data science is a field that has exploded in recent years. It allows individuals to harness the power of data to predict, influence, and control outcomes in Society. Data science can contribute to soc…

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My Top 3 Data Science Projects for Beginners: This Guide will get you started!

Data science is an exciting and evolving field. As our world becomes digitised, we have more data than ever before. Many data are waiting for analysis from your smartphone to the family photos.If you&…

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My Top Five Data Science Applications in Finance; Add yours in the comments!

Conclusion Finance finds new ways to turn data into value in the modern digital age. From risk analytics and fraud detection to real-time analytics, customer data management and personalised services …

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Sustainable Does Not Mean Cheap: Here’s What You Need to Know

Sustainability is a buzzword in the world of marketing and business. It’s essential to consider it when developing new ideas or creating a brand for your business.Many people think that Sustaina…

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The Data Science Hierarchy of Needs

The Data Science Hierarchy of Needs, developed after Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, is a model that shows the needs of data science practitioners and helps them understand and prioritise their projects.…

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What Is Data Science? A Guide to a Complex Career.

“Data science is the process of using algorithms, methods and systems to extract knowledge and insights from structured and unstructured data. It applies advanced analytics and machine lear…

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You Can Do A Data Science Job Remotely; See the Benefits!

Data science is widespread and the most-friendly remote job. Many companies turn to remote workers with the growing demand for data scientists, and others do not want to risk getting a …

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You Can Learn Data Science on Your Own. Here’s how!

What are the essential skills to become a data scientist? And can you develop these skills through self-learning? According to MIT professor of computer science and engineering, Anant Agarwal, learnin…

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